Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Past Meets The Future

When the Past Meets the Future, the traffic is a NIGHTMARE!

    My husband and I took the Airstream/Heirs'Dream/DogHairstream to my hometown to size up my father's estate. (He passed away Jan/10 and left me a little money with which I purchased my half of the AS and Rick inherited a bit 'o cash from his cousin who was like a father to him; hence the Heirs'Dream handle) 
    My father also left a Mobile Home Park, which I was having a little trouble letting go of. Of late, I saw myself parking restored vintage trailers there and running a Shady Dell ( or Starlite Classic Campground ( or even a "Live like TrailerTrash/The Trailer Park Boys Theme Park".  I could do it, I tells ya', and make it fun....especially the shopping for vintage stuff.
     The thing that was tugging at my sensibilities though, was the Dream; the Heirs'Dream of travelling full-time (eventually) or part-time, sooner rather than later with Rick and the Labradors. I want to make a giant Sun of a map with many rays representing places we go and friends we visit with the hub being our home in Toronto and our children and grandson.
    On the way there, an accident caused us to be rerouted so that we had to drive past this sign.  If this were a book or a movie analysis, this sign and it's bi-line would be called foreshadowing.
     It was, however, the picture of our beautiful, vintage and simultaneously futuristic-looking trailer,  against the ruin that is now my father's  estate that burst me into the realization that I must let go of this past in order to move into my future. My father, who loved to travel and loved trailers didn't leave as much as he wanted to leave, but he did leave me a dream that I'm well on my way to fulfilling. Happy Trails, Dad.

Blue Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy zzzzz shinin' on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Blue Sky zzzzzz.....

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Breaking Blogger's BLOCK

So, I've spent days putting together my new blog, adding photos, buttons and researching other sites, and then days pondering what to write.
Finally, I figured out that the psychological principle of dissonance was mixed up in there somehow. The harder you work for something, the more it means to you and therefore I expected that every post had to be stellar, inspirational diamond words of profound import and well.....we all know, that ain't gonna happen, so I decided to just tell you that.
Rivetting, I know.